Blog Post 2

October 5, 2009

Have you ever watched TV and a commercial comes on that you have no idea what it is advertising? Well the commercial I chose is just that. The commercial starts out with the Albert Pujols hitting at his teams batting practice. He hits homerun after homerun and it seems like the pitcher is getting frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. The pitcher starts throwing random objects at Pujols to maybe stop him from hitting everything out of the park, but he still continues to hit homerun after homerun. So the pitcher starts throwing random objects like a rosin bag, cleats, a hot dog with ketchup and mustard and cooler full of ice that hits off of the scoreboard to try and give Pujols a challenge but that doesn’t work. The camera then goes to the coaches and they are just shaking their heads and just look at each other. They use a comical look on the commercial. From person experience, what Pujols was doing is not possible, but it caught my eye let alone anyone’s. I like the funny vibe it gave, but the serious side from Pujols. The commercial is advertising a video game called MVP Baseball for 2004. The commercial also shows the athleticism of Albert Pujols as well as what he is capable of.  Everyone knows that no one can do what this commercial is showing. That is where the TV people and the power of TV come into play, because no person let alone any baseball player can hit objects like that and they all leave the park. The people behind this commercial wanted to make sure that the audience would buy this video game, so they decided to use a famous baseball player that is good at what he does, so they used Albert Pujols; a baseball icon to many people and young children. Pujols is known for hitting homeruns and so they thought it would be perfect. The audience for this commercial would be people who enjoy sports and young children who look up to Albert Pujols as well. But as this commercial starts out most people don’t have any idea what the commercial is advertising. The audience might think that the commercial is advertising the MLB rather than a video game. But when the commercial does show the video game, then the audience is amazed and will hopefully go out and buy that video game thinking they can hit homeruns.  I liked the comical side of the commercial but I thought it was cool how they made everyone act and seem serious during the whole commercial but has a funny side to it as well. Over all, it’s a commercial I will watch and hopefully other people will watch as well not change the channel

Blog Post 1

September 30, 2009

The commercial starts out with the Albert Pujols hitting batting practice, homerun after homerun and its seems like the pitcher is getting fustraited. The pitcher starts throwing random objects and Pujols still hits homerun after homerun. So the pitcher starts throwing the rozen bag, cleets, a hot dog with ketchep and mustard and cooler full of ice off of the scoreboard to try and give Pujols a challenge but that doesn’t work. They use a  commical look on the commerical . From person experience, what Pujols was doing is not possible, but it caught my eye. I like the funny vibe it gave, but the seriouse side from Pujols. The commercail is advertising a video game called MVP Baseball for 2004. The commercial also shows the athleticism of Albert Pujols as well as what he is capable of. The people behind this commercail wanted to make sure that people would buy this video game, so they decided to use a famous baseball player that is good at what he does, so they used Albert Pujols; a baseball icon to many people and young children. The audience for this commercail would be people who enjoy sports and young children who look up to Albert Pujols as well. I liked the commical side of the commercal but I thought it was cool how they made everyone act and seem seriouse. Over all, its a cammerical I will watch and not change the chnage on.